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Coffee break with the Norway Team

We caught up with our Projects Team in Norway for a chat and to see what's new with them. Here's what we found out.

How has working changed over the last year at Somfy?

As a team, we are out in the market more now; talking to the different project stakeholders and building designers about the benefits they can get from solar shading when it comes to smart, green buildings. Of course, the recent restrictions made this more difficult, but we are pleased that we are increasingly able to safely attend more face-to-face meetings now.

What types of projects are you currently working on?

Since working on Økern Portal we have been involved in more large projects. We believe that we are viewed as experts in daylight management and solar shading control in the market.  Our knowledge gained from delivering successful projects is invaluable when feeding in to new projects.

We are delivering some large animeo KNX projects, utilizing Shadow Management, which is a fantastic tool that can add real value when considering the overall solution needed on complex projects.

The moment you’re most proud of as a team?

It’s a difficult question to answer as there are lots!

Our strong team ethos is important; we recognize each other’s strengths and we work together to make the most of them. There is so much knowledge among the collective team, so each of us has a valuable role to play.

We have been on quite a journey together and we are proud to see our focus and planning paying off. We have delivered some really challenging projects, so seeing them complete is always a proud moment.

To get in touch with our Norway team to discuss your next project, click here.

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