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Terms and conditions

All customers, please be aware that orders placed from the 4th of March 2025 will be subject to our updated terms and conditions. These conditions can be viewed here:  GENERAL TERMS & CONDITIONS OF SUPPLY

Legal information and contact

1. We, Somfy Ltd., with head office at Unit 7, Lancaster Way, Airport West, Yeadon, West Yorkshire, LS19 7ZA, are the owners of this website. We belong to the French group SOMFY International.
2. The publishing director of this website is Mr. S. Montgomery.
3. This website has been duly declared to be completed in the United Kingdom.
4. In case of any comment concerning the website itself, please contact the publishing director at "info.co.uk@somfy.com".
5. This website is hosted by NETVERTIS - Cross Systems Suisse Group Micropole-Univers, route des Acacias, 48 CH-1227 CAROUGE/GENEVA - Switzerland, subcontracting to PSI Net Switzerland, 2 Chemin de l'Epinglier, 1217 Meyrin, Geneva, Switzerland.
1. Copyrights protection
This website as well as information contained is protected by copyright.
copyright © 2007, Somfy ACTIVITES SA. All rights reserved.
2. Conditions of use
a. Information which is not contained in a “download file” is not supposed to be printed or reproduced, in whole or in part, in any way.
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Any copy of such information must include all our copyright and proprietary notices. You are not authorised to modify such information. As an exception, you are authorized to translate such information to facilitate understanding by your teams, in which case you are liable for any translation you could make.
We reserve the right to revoke such authorisation at any time upon notice, sent individually or given on this website. Any use shall then be interrupted immediately.
copyright © 2007



1. Our trademarks
a.  Partial listing of our used trademarks :


NB: some trademarks may not be used in every country. We cannot be liable for infringement on third party rights on the basis of the above listing.
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- expressly authorized by us in writing or
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a.  Other eventual trademarks quoted in the website are trademarks of their respective holders.
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Hypertext links

1.  There are hypertext links to various other websites for your convenience. However, we do not represent or control any such websites and we are not liable for their content.
2.  Links made by you: making a link to our website requires our written prior authorization, except under the following cumulative conditions :
a.  we confer you the right to make links to our websites provided you :
-  are a customer of one of Somfy ACTIVITES SA,
-  make a fair use of the link, which notably consists in not creating any confusion concerning the relationship you have with us,
-  make a link to the home page of our website, in a way that properly attributes the linked website to us, but in no case make a link to another page of our website or replicate part of our website.
-  Reproduce the somfy logo as shown hereafter, in the same dimensions, in order to make the link.
-  declare the use of a link in writing to our publishing director within 5 working days of its creation by sending an e mail to info.co.uk@somfy.com

b.  We reserve the right to demand that a link be suppressed immediately in the case we judge our interests at risk.

Other intellectual property rights

Any product, process or technology described in this website may be the subject of other Intellectual Property Rights reserved by us or third parties. No rights to use these Rights are hereby granted
Targeted use and users
1. This website is aimed exclusively at companies or persons set up or residing in the United Kingdom. The generic part is dedicated to consumers. The part named “architects and specifiers”, even though accessible to the public is aimed exclusively at architects and specifiers. The section “OEMs, Fabricators and Dealers” is dedicated to professionals, who may be requested to log in.
2. Information on products and services may not be accurate for each and every country. Notably, products shown or services described in this website may not be available in all countries.


1. We make every effort to provide you with accurate, complete and current information. However, we offer no guarantee on information contained in this website.
2. We reserve the right to make updates or changes of any information contained in this website without prior notice. Notably, products shown may be changed or suppressed at any time.
3. We cannot assure that the information in this website conforms to the local laws of your country. You access this website on your own initiative and are responsible for compliance with all laws of public order of your country.
4. We invite you to check all information contained in the website by the local entity.
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Governing law and jurisdiction

United Kingdom's law and the exclusive court jurisdiction of the French courts of ANNECY (74000, France) apply in case of any dispute arising out of your access or your use of this website.
The October 1, 2008 English version of this website prevails.