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Safe and stress-free back to school with Smart Home technology

For many of us, the holidays are now a distant memory, and getting back into the swing of new routines and getting your family out the door on time can be a challenge.

At Somfy, we aim to make your life easier and more comfortable, so you can focus on what truly matters. That’s why we’ve considered how smart home technology can lend a hand in making the school routine less stressful, allowing you to take things slowly and save precious time in the mornings.

Sleep is essential

Did you know that children who get regular, sufficient sleep have better concentration, behaviour, learning ability, memory, and overall mental and physical health? A consistent sleep routine is also crucial and can be smartly supported by smart technology. Set up a ‘bedtime’ scenario with multiple smart home products, so the lights automatically dim and the curtains close, creating a relaxing bedtime atmosphere and signalling to everyone that it’s time to go to bed.

Night rest and our phones

Of course, you still need to establish clear rules with your children regarding mobile phone usage. The blue light from screens doesn’t exactly encourage sleepiness. This applies not only to our kids but also to ourselves. It’s better to pick up a book and read a bit before bed, though that’s just my personal opinion.

Morning scenario

Programme a ‘wake-up’ scenario in the morning at the time you need to get up, so the curtains open to let in the light.

If you want to start the day in a good mood, turn off the alarm and instead ask your smart speakers to wake you and the children up with your favourite songs. Then, the day begins, and the family jumps out of bed cheerfully, ready for a new day.

Peace of mind with a secure home all day long

When everyone is out during the day at school or work, you want to be confident that you’ve left your home well-protected. With a smart security system, you can monitor your home remotely while on the go and ensure that intruders don’t choose your home as a target.

For example, you can expand your security system with a Somfy Indoor Camera, allowing you to keep an eye on what’s happening at home remotely. Or install an outdoor camera on your garage door, garden gate, or shed; it records all movements within its range. Has your child forgotten their house key? With the outdoor camera, you can communicate via the built-in microphone and potentially open the garage door remotely or take other actions.

During a long day when no one will be home until the evening, simulate presence by programming a schedule to turn on your smart lighting and close your electric curtain tracks, or activate these remotely from your smartphone to create a cosy atmosphere for when you return home.

Stay organised with Smart technology

Wondering how you’ll remember everything now that the kids are back to school? Smart speakers can be handy for setting reminders to pack school bags and lunchboxes the night before or to remind you that PE kits are needed on certain days. It takes a bit of thinking to set this up correctly, but it’s definitely possible! We just need to learn how to do it smartly, and practice makes perfect. The great thing is, you can adjust scenarios to your liking at any time. There are many communities on Facebook, forums, and elsewhere where users share all sorts of helpful tips. Look for those related to smart homes or similar topics.

In Conclusion

With the right combination of technology and a bit of planning, daily life not only becomes easier but also much safer. Whether you choose smart alarms, automated security systems, or smart speakers, the possibilities are endless, providing a comfortable and safe living environment.